Quick Self-Care Tips During Quarantine

Although, this might be your 75th or so read-up regarding tips and tricks to combat this quarantine, but we bet, this one deserves your attention. Aftercall, it’s all about you. At this point, our eyes are only glued to the news channels and WhatsApp forwards, waiting eagerly for the decision our government is going to make regarding the lockdown. Amidst this grimmy situation, putting a back burner on our self-care routine can be super convenient. But is it okay to do so? Absolutely not.
Read on for some easy-to-do activities that can slide into your self-care routine without much effort.
In this Blog
Eating is not a routine, it is a lifestyle
Raise your hand if you’re one of those who is justifiably putting ice on their diets. Although, it’s okay to indulge in some stored junk-eating periodically, but only until it starts becoming a coping mechanism. Keep a check on your meal plans. It’s best to pre-decide your meal schedule for the next day.
A Journal a day keeps stress at bay
Write it down! We’re currently literally living a life that can be transformed into future history guide books, biographies, documentaries and non-fiction movies. Believe that your day-to-day experiences can totally be an inspiration behind the inception of any of the above. Or if not, do it for your own sake, imagine looking back at the days you’re living 20 years from now!
Yoga and meditation can heal almost everything (now, remove almost!)
With a sudden rush of so many articles, videos, etc. talking about the benefits of yoga, we urge you to practice the same, if you haven’t yet. Don’t do it because now you have enough time, do it to make it a habit. Read, research and introduce yourself to this magic. Start with 15 minutes of meditation and you’ll see the difference yourself.
You can never get enough of your creativity
Include your hobbies in your routine. Sketch, write, sing, cook, dance, (insert your hobby), etc. whatever gives pleasure to your heart is worth doing. It doesn’t look as bad as you thought it does. Get your creative juices flowing and this is how we shall overcome this, one day at a time, together!
Add more activities that apply to your personal self-care routine. Whatever you do, please be grateful. Grateful for being able to do those things, whilst there are so many people who aren’t privileged to even have their basic needs fulfilled.
Let’s pray to come out of this stronger, kinder and fitter! (wink)
You May Also Read:
1. Tips to Make the Best of this Quarantine
2. Five Lessons to Learn from COVID-19